At Stompgrip we take pride in the fact that we manufacture 100% of our products in Huntington Beach, California. Huntington Beach is located in the heart of the Action Sports communities and provides a great testing bed for Stompgrip products with its active residents and lifestyle.
By being “Made in the USA” we control every process from product concept, design, and engineering to tool and mold making, manufacturing, packaging and distribution. This allows us to constantly focus on creating the best Traction products in the world by interacting with our customers and having the ability to react appropriately and in a timely manner to meet their varied needs.
We focus on excellence in our production processes and follow a Just-In-Time philosophy in our manufacturing facility. This ensures that our customers always receive the freshest and highest quality products available on the market at their request.
Our vendors and suppliers are all locally sourced and located in the USA. The majority of the materials used in the manufacture of Stompgrip products are produced in the USA including our proprietary elastomers and the highest quality adhesives in the industry.